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Everilde: Artist Statement

If I could have my art pieces express and appeal to all five basic human senses – I would. But I decided to focus on touch.


Texture is the main element of every one of my pieces. I want the observer to not only see the visual image that the piece is portraying, but to also feel it. I love running my hands over a finished piece and feeling it. Every piece has a unique texture. Every piece has a certain feeling to it.

I get inspired by all kinds of natural textured surfaces: trees, rocks, and sand are some of my biggest inspirations.

Do you ever feel like you can tell its full life story by running your hands over barks of a tree; or by separating the tiny grains of sand with your fingertips on the beach; or by looking at a rock you’ve picked up by the riverbed, that’s been polished by the water and then crushed by the ever-changing weather? I hope that my art will have just such an effect on its viewers. 

- Everilde

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